Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

I am Courtney Jester, at least that is the name I use when writing or rhyming. I engage in many different activities, most of which are creative. I like to have something to show for my time, I don’t play games (in the real or virtual world). I am not a game player or a team player.

I have many blogs, and I might direct you to some in time but for now, I am exploring WordPress as a medium somewhere between a blog and a traditional website. Not that anything in the virtual world can genuinely last long enough to use that weighty, time laden word, tradition, but if you’re the kind of geek that I am, and have been around in cyberspace as long as I have, you will know what I mean.

I am always looking for a newer, and better way of doing things, or as I often say longer-harder-faster-more, so when I discovered WordPress Learning the Fundamentals I decided to go back to the start and give it a go. I am never shy of starting over, learning the same thing from the beginning again always plugs up holes in knowledge that I never knew were there.

So it’s that simple. I’m here to follow along the beginner’s path. See you tomorrow.


Who am I? I am different things to different people. I am a poet, a visual artist, a sculptor of found objects, and a writer. I am a bookkeeper, an office manager, an administrator and software support consultant, even a short-order cook and barista. I am a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, a cousin and a friend. I am a traveller, a technophile, a philosopher and a student of all things.

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